A World of Love

Martin Luther labeled these two as passive and active. Passive is the righteousness that we receive from God. We do nothing to receive it. Active righteousness is our good works, overflowing from a thankful heart, a new heart created in us by God through a new will empowered by God’s Holy Spirit.

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Is Tithing for Christians?

It is commonly taught in churches that Christians should tithe (a word meaning the giving of “a tenth” of their income) to their local church. Christians are sometimes told that they owe the first ten percent of their income to the church where they attend, and that any giving to other needy persons or ministries falls into a separate category called “offerings” and should be given only after the first ...

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Keep The Faith

When Adam and Eve were in the Garden, Satan revealed a few key things about himself. He knows God’s Word very well; he loves to be logical in the way he thinks, and once we engage, using a logical way of thinking, he is empowered to tempt us to live independently of God (Genesis 3:1-7). 

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What Is a Christian?

There are many notions about what it means to be a Christian. Many think they understand the term, yet many also mean different things by it. For some it’s a matter of family history: “I grew up in the church.” For others it means someone who lives by the Golden Rule, ascribes to certain political views, goes to church, or simply chose to identify that way at a particular point ...

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God’s Great Yes to Us

“Bending history in the direction of a great yes.” Does that sound outlandish to you? I know I struggle to believe it. But what else does Jesus’ second coming mean, if not the full restoration of justice and peace and salvation? What else are we hoping for, if not the fulfillment of God’s promises, here on earth as they are in heaven?

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