Comfort in Suffering

Do you know someone who is suffering?  Most of us can only say "yes" to that question.  It may even be YOU who is suffering.  So many people in my life come to mind, people who have lost jobs or had their hours cut, people who are struggling to balance working from home and helping their kids learn online, and more.   Yet struggles that seemed insurmountable before the pandemic continue, including ...

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Sin’s Corruption of Our Conduct

All false religions lie to us about man. While most of them concede that man has not reached perfection, they refuse to acknowledge the bare sinful facts of life and history. They insist on offering a system of human achievement that can please God. Only God’s Word tells us the painful yet loving truth that we cannot save ourselves—that the corruption of sin thoroughly permeates every facet of human existence.

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Extending Forgiveness

Emotional pain never dies of natural causes. Old age doesn’t sap its strength. And you can’t bury it alive. If you try, it’ll kick and scream until you acknowledge it, feel it, and work through it. And working through it usually requires you to forgive. Of course, you can try ignoring the pain; we call that denial. And this may work, to some extent and for some short period of ...

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