The God of All Comfort

What's troubling you right now?  We all have an answer to that question, don't we?  Whether it's, "I need a job", or "this loved one's health is failing", or "my friend's ED (eating disorder) has reared it's ugly head again", the answers are endless.   Our family just marked the 20th anniversary of a tragic loss in our lives.  My dear sister-in-law Dana (rhymes with banana) fell down the stairs in a ...

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Parable of the Prodigal – Part 1

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Rocks don’t change people’s lives…Jesus does

I just got back from a trip to Israel with my church.  The archaeological evidence for our Christian faith is overwhelming. It was really cool because one day we were at the steps of the temple mount - the actual rock stairs that Jesus walked up when he went into the temple. I kept thinking, "wow, Jesus may have stepped right here where I'm standing now!' The next day became even more ...

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