Fear, Shame & Guilt

I’ll often say to people about the teaching, “If you know me, then you know this is an area where I struggle, so we’re going to learn together. I’m placing myself under the same authority as you, the Word of God.”When it comes to the devil’s trinity of fear, shame, and guilt, I really struggle.

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Running the Race of Life

In Acts 20, we find the apostle Paul’s words to the leaders of the church in Ephesus, “But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus…” (verse 24 NKJV). These were things that really mattered to the great apostle.

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Should this be our Goal for 2024?

Are you someone who makes New Year’s Resolutions? They’ve always felt daunting to me.  I do better with small, bite sized goals.   But this just may be the perfect resolution for 2024 for those of us who are followers of Christ:  How about resolving, day by day, to love more like Jesus? It’s not easy.  Sometimes we rather enjoy judging other people. Especially people who don’t sin like us.  We secretly ...

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More than a Man

Many people acknowledge Jesus at Christmas in a way they wouldn’t the rest of the year. They might tip their hats to His existence or even nod their heads to His exemplary life. But for the masses, He remains the still depiction of the baby in a manger, as they hurry by nativity scenes to attend the...

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