Don’t Be Afraid

What are you afraid of?  Snakes, scary movies, flying? You may have heard me on the show recently talking about the new study that revealed more Americans are scared of clowns than terrorism and dying... but the top fear is a corrupt government. Many people are living in debilitating fear of the results of the Presidential election coming up next week. In a strange way, fear can make us feel like we're ...

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Can We Prove the Existence of God?

We cannot prove the existence of a supernatural, invisible being. However, there is a difference between proof and evidence. The issue is not about proving whether God exists but about making an informed decision based on the evidence. This week we will examine four powerful evidences for the existence of God. First, the cosmological argument asks, “Why is there something rather than nothing?” Look around you, noting everything you see. Now ...

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The “I” in “YOU”

There is no "I" in "you"...or is there? "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the great and first commandment.  And a second is like it:  You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets."  (Matthew 22:37-40 ESV) What a stressful and challenging year this has been!  ...

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A few thoughts for Singles.

I read about a dating service called Just Coffee. You can have a cup of coffee with someone without being stuck in an entire dinner escapade. If you take one look at the person and don’t like him or her, then you can order a really small espresso. But instead of Just Coffee, how about Just Church? Instead of meeting for coffee, why not suggest that you meet at church? You ...

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What is the Antidote for Greed?

Are you as dumbfounded as I am by the cases that have made their way into our judicial system? Remember a few years ago when a woman sued Starbucks for 114 million dollars. What horrible thing happened to cause such a law­suit? Did she lose a limb? Was she burned over 90% of her body? Did she slip and fall and become paraplegic?

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Touched By An Angel

Eric Koby... It was an early Saturday morning and I was packing up my car in preparation for an appearance at The Atlanta Mission. I opened my passenger door and placed my stuff on the seat: bag, keys, cellphone, and sun glasses, leaving the car door open as I moved towards loading my hatchback. After a few rounds full of blankets and canned goods, plus a trip to give my daughter her ...

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