All You Need is Love?

It was fifty years ago today… And America was tearing itself to pieces. The country still reeled from the loss of President Kennedy. His successor, President Johnson, initially rode a wave of goodwill. But his popularity eroded as he and the political establishment further entangled the country in Vietnam. An unpopular war in a faraway place, costs and casualties grew exponentially. At the same time, our nation was locked in a Cold ...

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The Truth about a Dad’s Influence

Families are in crisis. And the root of that crisis falls on parents…especially disconnected dads. Frankly, we are living in a culture in which fathers are often invisible – a so-called fatherless culture. Our families and our nation are paying the price as a result.  Too often dads are lost, struggling in the role that God has called them to do.

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Don’t Let Your Enthusiasm Evaporate!

The new year is here, and with it the resolutions we all seem to make – losing a few pounds after the indulgences of the holidays, maybe signing up for a gym membership and really getting in shape. Of course, we know how that usually turns out. After a month or so, the enthusiasm evaporates, people give up on their resolutions and things go back to the way they were.

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How to take your life from ordinary to extraordinary

As believers, we should desire a life that’s beyond average. But too often we settle for a life that’s “just okay” instead of extraordinary. We shouldn’t settle for a good marriage when we could have a great marriage. You see, we can settle for mediocrity with mundane jobs and minimal ministries – or we can take action to escape apathy and live life in ways that are beyond our wildest imaginations. So ...

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