Extending Forgiveness

Emotional pain never dies of natural causes. Old age doesn’t sap its strength. And you can’t bury it alive. If you try, it’ll kick and scream until you acknowledge it, feel it, and work through it. And working through it usually requires you to forgive. Of course, you can try ignoring the pain; we call that denial. And this may work, to some extent and for some short period of ...

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What Are You Looking At?

Sometimes when people stare at us, that question goes through our mind; other times it may come out of our mouth! Maybe we feel imperfect, unfit, not pretty or handsome enough to meet the standard, or just self-conscious. But the question would be better to ask ourselves rather than others. What are you looking at? Are you looking for approval from others? Maybe it’s to blend with the crowd so ...

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Fear or Fear Not

Most of us tend to think too highly of ourselves. Our love for having the right answers, solving our own problems, and feeling in control of every aspect of our lives demonstrates our inclination to think we possess personal sovereignty. Consequently, we spend a lot of time worrying.

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