The Time to Pray

A mysterious word at the center of the Lord’s Prayer has stumped biblical scholars for centuries. It’s the word epi­ousios in verse 11 of Matthew 6, which is translated daily. The trouble with the word is that no one can seem to trace where it came from. Epiousios was so uncommon in the ancient world that the third-century theologian Origen concluded that the Gospel writers had invented it!

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What You Believe Matters – Justin Holcomb

Is God an impersonal blob, distant and disinterested in the world except for figuring out who the good and bad people are? Is “god” a karma vibe making sure everyone gets what they deserve? Is God a myth that weak, stupid, or oppressive people use to console themselves or dominate other people? Is God a cosmic cheerleader who is concerned mainly with helping you achieve immediate happiness and self-actualization? Or ...

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