Tim Keller once said that our society determines what is right and wrong based on two questions: 1. Do I want to do it? and 2. Does it hurt anybody? And if the answer to the first question is “yes,” and the answer to the second is “no,” then it can’t possibly be wrong.
Read MoreScripture not only supports the idea of eternal rewards, it spells out the specifics. In 1 Corinthians 3:10–14, we find three primary facts about rewards. We’ll look at the first two today and complete the list next week.
Read MoreA house overgrown with weeds and vines announces to passersby that very little time has been spent maintaining the home. But more than a lack of gardening, the outside speaks of what is potentially happening inside. Solomon’s sweetheart lamented that other’s demands were the cause of her vineyard’s neglect.
Read MoreIs God an impersonal blob, distant and disinterested in the world except for figuring out who the good and bad people are? Is “god” a karma vibe making sure everyone gets what they deserve? Is God a myth that weak, stupid, or oppressive people use to console themselves or dominate other people? Is God a cosmic cheerleader who is concerned mainly with helping you achieve immediate happiness and self-actualization? Or ...
Read MoreFreedom. We yearn for it. We dream of a life with no barriers, no boundaries, a life of free will where we can do whatever, whenever, however, with whomever we wish. But, let's pause and ponder on this for a moment. What is true freedom? Is it really the absence of rules, regulations, or a framework?
Read MoreScripture says God laughs; Scripture also says God weeps. The Gospel writers record three times the Lord Jesus Christ wept, tears revealing the heart of God. God in tears? That’s a thought to ponder. It’s indeed startling. Let’s look at these three occasions in His ministry when Jesus wept.
Read MoreWhen we often think about enjoying life, we focus on how to live a blessed and highly favored life. Typically, whatever we set out to do gets blessed, whether job-related, health, relationships, finances, or our well-being. As a result, when we think of how God explains gaining the life He died to provide, which is life and life abundantly (John 10:10), it seems complicated and sometimes unnecessary.
Read MoreOn the night Judas Iscariot betrayed Him, Jesus told the disciples, “‘All of you will desert me. For the Scriptures say, ‘God will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’ But after I am raised from the dead, I will go ahead of you to Galilee and meet you there’” (Mark 14:27–28 NLT).
Read MoreWhen God says it's time for you to go home, what kind of legacy are you leaving behind?My precious cousin Stephen "Beaver" Massfeller was almost called home in 1983. He was competing in the Pipeline Masters in Hawaii. He crashed head first in to the reef where he was pulled out unconscious. He was immediately airlifted without a pulse. BUT GOD.For 40 more years Beaver would live out his beautiful testimony. Teaching ...
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