Never Hurry, Never Worry: Gods Timing – Kim Fitz

When God says it’s time for you to go home, what kind of legacy are you leaving behind?
My precious cousin Stephen “Beaver” Massfeller was almost called home in 1983. 

He was competing in the Pipeline Masters in Hawaii. He crashed head first in to the reef where he was pulled out unconscious. He was immediately airlifted without a pulse. 
For 40 more years Beaver would live out his beautiful testimony. Teaching kids how to surf, giving them that confidence and encouragement including me. 
This week many will gather for a paddle out to honor and remember Beaver. 

Beaver’s motto: Never Hurry, Never Worry. 

So, never hurry and never worry but make sure you’re leaving behind a legacy pointing others towards love and Jesus Christ. 

I’m grateful Beaver did just that. 

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