Stay in the Game

Life is filled with obstacles, challenges, walls to tear down, and vicious enemies. Most of the time it seems like the Lord is not interested in miraculously removing them quickly from our lives. Instead, the Lord tells us He is using these issues to mature us (James 1:2-4), refine us (1 Peter 1:3-11), and discipline us (Hebrews 12:5-11). 

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The Sign Everyone Should have on Their Fridge

I created a small sign to put on my fridge. It says this: 'The brain learns whatever is repeated, both helpful and unhelpful thoughts, actions, and habits.' This sign serves as a reminder to practice what I call 'clean thinking.' I have found it to be key to my mental, physical, and spiritual health, and in many ways it's even more important than what I put in my mouth. 

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Love One Another

In his book Shattered Dreams, Larry Crabb wrote that it is hard to develop a personal relationship with an invisible God, one whose voice I never hear the way I hear a friend’s voice over the phone. We can read our Bibles and say our prayers but not have a sense that there is anyone out there with whom we are connecting. It can seem like reading any other book. ...

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The Trials of Life

Remember the good old days when you and your family could watch the news on TV together after a long day without feeling the need to hide under the bed in fear?  These are scary times we are living in.  I don't know where I would be without my faith!   For me, it's been a huge comfort to remember these words from The Lord's Prayer, "Your kingdom come, your will be done,on earth ...

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