It seems like 2019 has started with a theme: Identity. From church sermons to songs we are playing, our identity and where we get our identity keeps coming up. Sometimes our identity gets confused with what we do. I’m a teacher, a cook, a business owner, an administrative assistant, a doctor, a radio personality – insert your job here – but that’s not really who we are. How do I know ...
Read MoreEver feel like your prayers are just bouncing off the walls? Maybe you’ve been asking God for something – wisdom for a problem, resolution for a situation at work, or for a child to come back to the Lord – and it’s been several weeks or months and nothing’s changed.
Read MoreMost of us tend to think too highly of ourselves. Our love for having the right answers, solving our own problems, and feeling in control of every aspect of our lives demonstrates our inclination to think we possess personal sovereignty. Consequently, we spend a lot of time worrying.
Read MoreHave you ever noticed how little children always want their parents’ attention? Maybe they’re learning to ride a bike and they call out, “Watch me!” There’s something in them that wants Mom or Dad to say, “All right! You’re doing a good job! I saw that – it was wonderful!”
Read MoreDo you love encouraging sayings? I do too! I’m a champ at reposting them on social media hoping to encourage someone else! Some of my favorites… “If it is to be, it is up to me”! “Winners get up one more time than they get knocked down”! “Impossible or I’m Possible?” These little shots of positivity can really pick you up! They give you that little ray of hope when things seem at their ...
Read MoreWhat do you do when you lack clarity in the midst of a trial? Oftentimes we are tempted to do something, anything. But the wisest approach is to pray and wait on the Lord for direction. But how do we begin?
Read MoreA few things in life are absolutely tragic. Some are mysteriously strange. Many, however, are just plain funny. There isn’t a day that passes in which I fail to see, hear, or read something that makes me smile. And because laughter is such effective therapy, I’m grateful that God dispenses this divine medication so frequently.
Read MoreGod daily loads us with a wagonload of blessings. Blessings never cease; therefore, thanksgiving should never cease. One “Thanksgiving Day” a year is not enough. Every day, every prayer ought to be mixed with thanksgiving.
Read MoreI was walking through the lobby of The Fish and heard someone sobbing, a woman leaning over our receptionist’s desk was reading a Christmas Wish that her friend submitted for her. The wish asked for the necessary funds to adopt a little girl she had been fostering for years. This woman thought she was coming for a possible job interview, instead her life changed in a different way, thanks to ...
Read MoreAs the New Year begins and the old year passes, there probably are things you look back on and wish you would have done differently. Maybe you could have offered to help a neighbor, or you could have bought lunch for the homeless man on the corner, or maybe you wished you had been more encouraging. Maybe you wished you would have been the first to apologize or waited to ...
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