What Could Be Greater than Signs and Wonders?

In John 20:30–31, the Gospel’s author explains that his account of Jesus’ life and works was “written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” In saying this, John makes it clear that the wondrous signs that he recorded are there to elicit belief from his readers (or hearers). Jesus’ miracles authenticate His ...

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A New Wardrobe in Christ: Putting On the New Self

In Colossians 3, the apostle Paul gives us two metaphors to help us grapple with our relationship to sin and righteousness in Christ. On the one hand, we are to kill the sin within our hearts: “Put to death therefore what is earthly in you” (v. 5). Yet we also need to embrace a new identity—to “put on the new self” (v. 10) like a fresh set of clothing, fitting to our ...

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An Introduction to Spiritual Gifts

What is the purpose of spiritual gifts? The New Testament shows they are given to strengthen the church and are a picture of divine unity in the body of Christ. In light of this, it should grieve us when they become a point of division in our fellowships. Yet there are few areas of biblical doctrine that are more prone to produce mistrust and judgment among us than this one.

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