It is easy to believe that David’s exclamation of praise belongs only to those engaged in soldiering. Not so! All believers are at war with three great enemies—the devil, the world, and the flesh. We battle against Satan, an invisible but powerful adversary, the ever-present influence of the world, and the fleshly desires that lurk deep within our hearts.

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The Bible says, “The righteous man walks in his integrity,” and in this passage, we see Abram doing just that. He believed the Lord and lived out the claims of his faith. How do we come by such a virtue? Integrity should certainly be taught in the home, but it becomes solidified through experience.

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Fight to Win!

This often-misunderstood verse has led to some confusion but without cause. When studied in its context—as all Scripture must be—we see an amazing challenge given by our Lord, and it is this: the depth of our hunger and thirst for righteousness determines our Christian advancement. The kingdom of heaven takes its ground via violent warfare in the spiritual realm. Those who lay hold of it are those who will not ...

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Hope for the Downcast

Depression is a cruel and unfair player. It singles us out at inconvenient times and is unconcerned about our commitments or schedules. Nor is it a respecter of persons. Many of God’s great warriors fought attacks of depression. The prophet Elijah despaired to the point of praying “Lord, take my life!” The apostle Paul was often overwhelmed, making it necessary for the Lord to speak to him in a night ...

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Soul Food

I don’t know about you, but if I fail to grab a bite to eat in the morning, my whole system seems to run a little off. For good reason, breakfast has been called the most important meal of the day. We need to eat right to go about our business with vigor.

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In The Shepherd’s Hand

If the Gospel offer of salvation were not all of grace, I would be the first to abandon such an invitation, but that has never been the case. My dear brother or sister, before Jesus Christ rescued you, how lost and godless were you? Like me, the answer is to the uttermost! We were dead in our sins and wayward trespasses, wholly alienated from God until the Holy Spirit awakened ...

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Now Follow Him

Our lives are as living billboards—signs and testimonies of the presence of Christ and a beautiful display of His lordship. But for this to happen, there must be a starting point. In his classic book, The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer states that by grace, we are saved, and when grace is acted upon, we’re brought into the family of God. But Bonhoeffer warns that though God’s grace may be free to ...

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