
A young man and a young woman had pledged to each other and were looking forward to a near wedding day when the young man was suddenly called to service. From the warfare field, letters regularly came and went, and love shone brightly in all of them. Then, letters from the young man abruptly ceased.

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The Promise

There are times in our lives when we may experience moments of doubt (this is a major issue because of James 1:6-8). Times when sickness persists, financial pressures are overwhelming, the political climate of our country is polarizing, job environments unchanging, and marriages highly emotionally challenging. 

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All You Need

Our minds can move in many different directions every moment of the day. This makes it hard to keep our minds fixed on what the Word of God teaches (2 Peter 1:3-4). We say that the Word of God is our anchor, but many people are still fearful, stressed, or feeling insecure about the times we are living in.

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Never Fail

When we experience intense challenges, these incidents may make us feel God is silent or slow (Psalm 28) to respond. This may cause us to react instinctively based on past experiences, educational backgrounds, or logical processes. We tend to pray when our accomplishments do not produce the expected or desired results . 

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Keep The Faith

When Adam and Eve were in the Garden, Satan revealed a few key things about himself. He knows God’s Word very well; he loves to be logical in the way he thinks, and once we engage, using a logical way of thinking, he is empowered to tempt us to live independently of God (Genesis 3:1-7). 

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