There is no contradiction between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Just like the New Testament, the Old Testament teaches there are not many ways to the true God–there is only one way. And we see that truth throughout the Old Testament. What themes of the Old Testament remind us that the old way was one way?

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Have Some People Already Visited Heaven?

Many of today’s best-selling Christian books are accounts of people who died, visited heaven, and returned to life to recount all they had seen in the next world. Do such experiences provide reliable information about that “place called heaven?” If not, are those who claim such experiences dishonest, demonic, or deluded? Today we are going to look at what the Bible says about those who claim to have already visited ...

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No Excuse

An atheist decided to go mountain climbing. As he was ascending the mountain, his foot slipped, and he began to fall. He desperately grabbed hold of a thin branch of a tree on the side of the cliff. Realizing he could not go up any farther and that the branch would not hold him much longer, the atheist did the unthinkable.

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