Your Secret Weapon

Have you ever felt just beaten down by all of the stuff that comes against us in life?  Maybe you’re worried about work, your family, or your health… then that certain praise song comes on The Fish, you start to sing along, and all of a sudden, that stuff lifts.  There’s a reason for that:  There is Power in Praise! Ephesians 6:12 reminds us about the spiritual warfare that rages around ...

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Where Are Your THIN Places?

Did I get you to click on this headline because you thought it included secrets to losing weight? Psych!  It’s a weird term isn’t it? “Thin Places”. It may make you think of towns where everyone is skinny. Ha!  Actually, it refers to places where you feel closest to God – less distance “thinner” between earth and heaven, where you almost feel as if you’re on holy ground. It’s easy to ...

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How do we respond to tragedy?

A friend and former co-worker recently made a post to their Facebook page that really hit a cord and I think speaks for so many of us in light of recent events: "A few weeks ago we lowered the flag for Orlando, last week we lowered the flag for our men in blue, and this week we lower them for our brothers and sisters in France. The way it's going this ...

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Sharpie Reminders

Jason Roy, lead singer of Building 429, shared a backstage story at Atlanta Fest with me. Just above the thumb on his right hand was the word ‘unashamed’ written in black sharpie. On his left hand, he had four names written just below his knuckles. These names were people he told me he’d pray for, also noting that the ‘unashamed’ was a reminder to himself that he is ‘enough.’ He ...

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Mr. Melancholy

I love the book of Psalms in the Bible because I can totally relate to it. Most People who know me think of me as an outgoing, Sanguine.  A laugh-a-minute personality. That IS true, I love to laugh and connect with all kinds of people. But, there is another side to my persona that most people rarely see-Mr. Melancholy. He’s the guy looks at the glass half-empty, wants to hide away, says the sky ...

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Love Like Jesus

The world needs more of people like you! People with one agenda...sharing and showing the love of God, overflowing in and emanating out and through you. That is how our world will be changed. One person at a time, reaching out to one another, showing kindness, compassion and empathy. Person to person, human to human. When we act on the love of God within us, we are witnessing the miraculous. Instead of ...

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Summer Won’t Be Complete

Summer has just started, but already I feel like my summer just won’t be complete. You see, for the first time in several years, I wasn’t able to go to church camp with our youth this year.  Call me strange, but I love going to camp with middle and high schoolers! It’s a time where the kids (and the adult chaperones) can get away from the real world and just ...

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Anchor for the Storm

No shadow comes without the light making a way No raging storm can ever defy one word of faith My heart remains sure in the wind, sure in the waves You are the anchor for my soul You won't let go I wish I could say I was a great bastion of spiritual stability and I wrote those words…but neither statement would be true.  Those verses come from one of my favorite ...

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Extravagant Empathy

This picture represents the extravagant empathy of Fish listeners.  I mentioned in passing one morning on the show that my niece Ariel and her youth pastor husband were trying to start a library at an orphanage in Guatemala called "Casa Shalom", where they have visited on mission trips many times.  Ya'll responded big time, donating 131 Spanish-language books in a just a few hours! Because the love of God just pours ...

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Wait For It

Wait for it. Knowing what season of life you are in and accepting it can really allow a nice flow through life. Is it time to raise children, time to move, rest, reset, heal an illness, climb the corporate ladder, cash in your investments and start a business? It’s hard to do them all at the same time well. The world has us believing, women especially, that we should ‘do ...

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