Two Questions Reveal Where Your Fear Comes From

In a well-known Bible story about a life-threatening storm on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus posed an intriguing question to His frightened followers: “Where is your faith?” He asked them as the wind roared, the seas rolled, and the ship rocked. Their response came as a question that revealed the hidden reason for their fear and anxiety. They asked, “When he gives a command, even the wind and waves obey him!” (See Luke 8:22-26, ...

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What Are You Looking At?

Sometimes when people stare at us, that question goes through our mind; other times it may come out of our mouth! Maybe we feel imperfect, unfit, not pretty or handsome enough to meet the standard, or just self-conscious. But the question would be better to ask ourselves rather than others. What are you looking at? Are you looking for approval from others? Maybe it’s to blend with the crowd so ...

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Failing Forward: How to Move On After Making a Mistake

Need help moving forward after a mistake? It’s easy to be consumed by a past mistake and fear there’s no hope for tomorrow. No one should allow their failures to hold them back and hinder them from moving forward. God has a future in store for anyone who accepts His forgiveness. Here are some ways to move forward from past failures, blunders, and mistakes, and go on to succeed.

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