Jesus, the Only King

While popular culture ties baby chicks, bunnies, and colorful eggs to Easter, followers of Christ know that Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of our Messiah. They know that His short life here on earth was not happenstance.  God the Father did not decide as an afterthought that His Son would pay the price for our sins. No, long before there even was an earth, God knew that Jesus would ...

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The Three Legs of a Healthy Marriage

Martin Luther said that God established three essential institutions: marriage, the ministry of the Word, and the state. Luther went on to say that "both in chronological order and in significance, the home precedes both the ministry of the Word of God and the state." And yet, many people today try to demote marriage to a human invention. But the Scripture tells us that marriage was created by God.

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Setting Up Memorials

When God miraculously brought His people out of slavery in Egypt, they quickly succumbed to ingratitude towards God. They grumbled and complained and murmured every time they faced a new challenge, instead of thanking God for His ever-present hand. Their attitude prevented them from entering the Promised Land for 40 years until that grumbling generation had died out in the wilderness.

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Being a godly leader will cost you something because true leaders stand up for what is right. They do not make moral compromises, and they do not take the easy way out in order to get ahead or keep the peace. We see this again and again in the lives of the apostles in the New Testament, and we see it down through the ages, embodied in the countless saints ...

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