Ever feel like your prayers are just bouncing off the walls? Maybe you’ve been asking God for something – wisdom for a problem, resolution for a situation at work, or for a child to come back to the Lord – and it’s been several weeks or months and nothing’s changed.
Read MoreDid you know that as a believer in Christ you possess all the hope you need in order to get through this life?
Read MoreEver feel like your prayers are just bouncing off the walls? Maybe you’ve been asking God for something – wisdom for a problem, resolution for a situation at work, or for a child to come back to the Lord – and it’s been several weeks or months and nothing’s changed.
Read MoreWhat do you think God thinks about what you’re doing with your life? Does it match up with what you think He wants from you? That’s a scary question for a lot of people, which is probably why the NBC comedy The Good Place is so popular. It invites us to laugh at the question of self-worth instead of fret about it.
Read MoreDo you have difficult people in your life? Also known as “Sandpaper People” because they rub you the wrong way or “EGRs” because “Extra Grace is Required” in order to deal with them. This could be a family member, an ex-spouse, or a boss.
Read MoreMost of us spend much of our life telling ourselves, “I can’t do that because I’m not smart enough,” or “I don’t have the training,” or “I’m not bold enough” or “I’m not courageous enough,” or “I don’t know the Bible well enough…” The list goes on and on.
Read MoreAre you constantly multitasking, feeling stressed and overextended? Are you chronically busy and in a hurry? Has it been a while since you’ve prayed alone? Do you have a sense that there are a lot of things you know you’re supposed to do, but you’re not doing them anymore?
Read MoreIs there one person, more than any other, with whom you want to be at peace right now? A broken relationship you want to heal? Maybe it’s a father who abandoned you as a child. Maybe it’s the child you abandoned. It might be a business partner who ripped you off, or a best friend who betrayed you. Or maybe it’s the person you love, but with whom you can’t communicate ...
Read MoreSome of the best, deepest, and closest friends that I’ve ever had have one thing in common. They all have loved me enough to tell me things about my life even if it put our relationship on the line.
Read MoreYou might be overworked, overwhelmed, and overcommitted if: You can’t remember the last time you took a nap without feeling guilty… You’ve bumped into someone at church and wanted to get together, but didn’t have room in your schedule for the next six months… Your family meals together consist of McDonald’s drive-through on the way to several activities during the week...
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