Just as the sun’s rays illuminate and warm the Earth, so Christ is God’s glorious light that shines into the hearts of mankind. That is the point that the writer of Hebrews makes when he describes Jesus Christ—God incarnate—as “the radiance of [God’s] glory” (Hebrews 1:3).
Read MoreMany people mistakenly think of faith as inherently noble. A once-popular song extols the virtue of faith, or believing: “I believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows.” No one really believes that, of course, but that is not the point.
Read MoreIs everything in life—the good times and bad, the joys and disappointments, the open doors and roadblocks—ultimately the result of a cosmic roll of the dice?
Read MoreChurch is essential. For the last year, that short slogan (and the accompanying social media hashtag) has served as a rallying cry for religious freedom in the face of tyrannical government overreach.
Read MoreEureka! It is a simple Greek word, only six letters long. But for a generation of treasure seekers in the late 1840s, it became a life slogan.
Read MoreAll Christians should tread very carefully when describing God.
Read MoreJesus understands us perfectly. Whatever struggle or challenge we may be facing, we can be sure that He fully understands and sympathizes with our situation: “For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin”
Read MoreHow do you sleep at night? With all the trouble and turmoil in the world; with the threat of violence and financial collapse always looming; with corruption permeating governments at every level; and with strife, anger, and conflict along every social and political dividing line, how can any of us get a good night’s rest?
Read MoreIn its practice of religious pluralism, the Western world tends to remain quiet about religion. Rarely will you hear the public media discuss Buddhism, Hinduism, Scientology, Mormonism, or Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Read MoreThat’s a common question from people who want more what now? and how to at the end of a sermon. Those pointers can certainly help us in our day-to-day lives. But they can also narrow our understanding of the implications of a biblical passage, and bypass the Spirit’s work in applying those truths to each believer’s specific circumstances.
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