“Will we really know each other?” is a frequently heard question about heaven. And the answer is yes. We will forever be who we are now—only without any of our faults or infirmities. Scripture repeatedly affirms this.
Read MoreThe question of relationships in heaven is one of the major issues Christians wonder about. Will we recognize our loved ones? Will we remember our earthly relationships? What kind of relationships will we have? Will we have family love and fellowship in heaven? Will our relationships in heaven be anything like they are here?
Read MoreThe question of relationships in heaven is one of the major issues Christians wonder about. Will we recognize our loved ones? Will we remember our earthly relationships? What kind of relationships will we have? Will we have family love and fellowship in heaven? Will our relationships in heaven be anything like they are here?
Read MoreThat should not come as a shock to Christians, but it often does. If we’re honest about our own faults and shortcomings, we know we’re not perfect; no believer is. We all fall short of God’s standard of absolute and complete holiness. And as a collection of imperfect Christians, the church itself cannot help but be imperfect, too.
Read MoreOne of the earliest mentions of “the church” in the New Testament comes from the lips of Christ in Matthew 18. There, His first message to the church is for dealing with sin in the assembly. Like His parting words to the churches in Revelation 2–3, Christ’s instructions to His church are wholly concerned with the holiness and spiritual health of the church herself.
Read MoreGod is sovereignly in control of all things. That fact alone ought to dispel much of our anxiety. And when we consider the Lord’s fatherly care for His people, we see just how foolish, unnecessary, and impotent our worry truly is.
Read MoreYou probably remember the “What Would Jesus Do?” trend from the late ’90s. It seemed everywhere you looked, plastered across T-shirts, hats, jewelry, and all kinds of other merchandise, the WWJD slogan was a blithe, shallow reminder to live up to Christ’s moral code.
Read MoreOne frequently overlooked benefit of consistent Bible exposition is that the preacher’s faith and practice is tested by every text. Over the long haul, everything I have ever taught has had to survive the scrutiny of the Scriptures. By God’s grace, I’ve been able to teach through every verse of the New Testament (using the Old Testament for support and examples)
Read MoreYou wouldn’t withhold the cure for cancer from someone in desperate need of it. Nor would you offer a home remedy in its place. And yet that’s what many pastors do when they substitute their own opinions and wisdom for the life-transforming truth of God’s Word.
Read MoreThe sea is no place to go for peace and quiet. Modern meteorology has documented the destructive power rogue waves, tropical cyclones, microbursts, and other weather phenomena that pose unique threats to ships at sea. But the storm described in the first chapter of Jonah was different. It was personal.
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