Trusting God in Dreary Places

Elijah was burned out, completely exhausted, and Queen Jezebel had just threatened his life. Elijah told God, “The people of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and killed your prophets with the sword, and I, even I only, am left, and they seek my life, to take it away” (1 Kings 19:10). He was scared, stopped trusting in God and felt alone. It was time to quit.

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Choosing Redemption Over Self-Sufficiency

I’ll never forget how God drew me to HimSELF. You see, I grew up as a people pleaser. The church I attended as a teen was works based, which fit my task-oriented, self-sufficient personality well. I’d heard the Gospel—that Jesus had paid for my failures with His life (John 3:16 and Ephesians 2:8)—but it hadn’t resonated with me. My life in high school revolved around sports, and I planned to attend a Division ...

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Why Church?

Have you ever sighed while setting your alarm clock on a Saturday night for church the next morning? After a week of waking up early for school, homework and extracurricular activities, sleeping in on Sunday can sound refreshing. There’s always the option to watch the sermon later online, right? So, why not hit the snooze button? 

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7 Ways to Improve Mental Health Within Your Family

Every member of our family finds security and comfort in the familiar ebb and flow of daily life. The predictable patterns of our activities work in sync with our body’s internal rhythms to provide the framework of mental wellbeing. However, when new situations interrupt the rhythms of our life, our biological rhythms get out of sync, or additional stresses pop up, we can find our mental health wavering. We wonder, ...

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Freedom in Christ

Here are faith activities to teach kids about freedom through our relationship with Jesus. In the “land of the free,” we often confuse the true nature of freedom. For many of us, freedom has become synonymous with personal independence — the ability to make our own decisions and choose our own path in life, to do whatever we want, whenever we want. It’s what I call “outside freedom.” But this ...

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