The Millennial Opportunity

There are few subjects today that occupy more attention and debate in our culture than the Millennial generation. Generally, these are adults born somewhere between the early 1980s up to the late 1990s. In terms of population, Millennials are the largest generation in our country today and it would seem they are, fairly or unfairly, more critiqued, analyzed and scrutinized than perhaps any previous generation.

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6 Ways to a Healthy Parent-Child Relationship

As a father, you are going to confront contests of wills with your daughter many times. In those moments where your authority as a parent is challenged, it is extremely important for you to "win." Why? Because a child who behaves in ways that are disrespectful or harmful to herself or others often has a hidden motive. Whether she recognizes it or not, she is usually seeking to verify the ...

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The Unstoppable Love of a Family

Have you ever heard a husband, wife, dad, mom, or grandparent say, "Because that's what families do?" This comment usually precedes an act of sacrifice, unconditional love, or an outpouring of grace to another family member. It's stated without fanfare in a very matter-of-fact manner and speaks to the unwavering love and commitment that is hard-wired into the relationships of a family. While families don't always embrace the power of ...

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