Looking for More Joy in Your Life? Walk With God.

Experts have said that walking can help keep you in good shape physically. Now, you won’t move as quickly as you would if you were running. But it’s a regulated motion that moves you forward gradually; slowly but surely. That is a picture the Bible often uses to describe the Christian life. It’s walking with God. And if we want to walk with God, then we must stay in harmony with Him. ...

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Finished. Completed. Accomplished.

If you were to ask a 33-year-old to describe the stage of life they’re in, they might say, “Well, it’s just beginning.” But at the age of 33, Jesus said, “It is finished.” He spoke those words from the cross, and in the original language, the word “finished” is “tetelestai,” a commonly used term in that time. It means, “It is completed,” “It is accomplished,” “It is done.”

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