Jesus calls us, as his followers, to walk the same way that he walked. And that’s a very hard road. In Mark 8:34–9:1, Jesus realized how little the disciples understood of his ministry. They, like us, figured that following Jesus was a sure way to health, wealth, and happiness. It was within this context of misunderstanding that Jesus gave his hard teaching on discipleship.
Read MoreCoronado Island is an idyllic Southern California destination that attracts locals and tourists by the thousands each summer. One popular picnic spot is Spreckels Park, which boasts a sprawling swath of lush green grass, a gazebo, playground equipment, and towering shade trees. There is just one problem: the park is nestled in the center of the nearly 33-square-mile island, directly adjacent to the main thoroughfare and bordered by busy streets ...
Read MoreWhether it's their first day of kindergarten or their first semester away at college, raising a child is an exercise in trust. Ultimately, it is the Holy Spirit who must work in the lives of our children, so we must trust the Lord, praying fervently but always with faith that God is at work. Read John 4:46-54. This is an account of a father's love for his son and his faith in ...
Read MoreWith every fresh new year, it is natural to desire better things, especially when the past has been filled with pressure. It is to the confused, heartbroken, weary, and exhausted that Jesus’ promise of rest sounds sweetest of all. To them, Jesus bids, “Come to Me.”
Read MoreWe may worry that our doubts will somehow disconnect us from God. But any Christian can experience any thought at any time, and this includes thoughts of doubt. And God is clear that if we are faithless, He remains faithful to us, no matter what (2 Timothy 2:13).
Read MoreBabies crave milk, and only milk. Parents care about the color of the blanket, the pattern of the curtains, the decorations in and around the crib, and the way the child is dressed. The baby doesn’t care about any of that. Babies don’t scream because they’re offended by the color of their pajamas. They scream because they want milk. The only thing that matters to them is milk—from the moment they’re born, ...
Read MoreGod expects us to honor age: “Age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom.” – Job 32:7 And He specifically instructs us to honor our parents: Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you. – Exodus 20:12
Read MoreWant more joy in your day? Cultivate it! Joy springs from viewing the day’s events from eternity’s perspective. With this intentional focus, you’re sure to see today differently—with more joy and conviction that God is at work in your life.
Read MoreFor a lot of us, we didn’t have the greatest parents in the world. We come from broken homes. We didn’t have a dad who led the way, who was strong, sensitive, biblical, and who blazed the trail. We didn’t see a loving relationship between our mom and dad. So, if we wanted a model of what it looks like to be a great parent, most of us didn’t get ...
Read MoreAre you feeling reflective as we kick off 2023 about your life, your goals, your relationships? As the year spreads out before us, like a book with blank pages to be filled, how about considering being purposeful in showing God’s love and grace to people you don’t agree with? I know, I know, you’re thinking Taylor, that doesn’t sound very fun. But isn’t that what we’re called to do? Christianity Today did ...
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