The flesh is the old sinful attitudes and mindsets to which we were enslaved before we believed in Jesus. When we believed, we were taken out of the flesh and placed into the Spirit (Romans 8:9). Still, we believers “walk by the flesh” when we choose to think and act in the old way rather than allowing God’s Spirit to inspire us.
Read MoreAmerica’s church culture suffers from an abundance of unqualified church leaders. What’s worse, many of these mavericks preside over a form of church government incapable of restraining or disciplining them.
Read MoreSome say finding the right one to marry is easy. But for others who are new to dating or dating after a divorce or the death of a spouse, it can seem hard. Finding the right one is possible; however, a person must work on themselves first. Also, they must have support from people who care for them and know them best. With God’s help and insight from others, it’s ...
Read MoreThe word resolution has shown up in a few conversations at the beginning of 2023. The definition of a resolution is: a firm decision to do or not do something. I’m all about a fresh start, and the new year brings that, but the pressure to make a firm decision seems like a lot of pressure after planning and celebrating a major holiday and ending an entire year. The media ...
Read MorePeace. Whisper the word to yourself and you can almost feel your heart relax. When you’re at peace, you feel an inner confidence that things are not running wild—regardless of the circumstances. Your mind is at rest. Your heart doesn’t flutter with anxiety. Your focus is clear.
Read MoreWe’re living in a day where evil is called good, and where good is called evil. As Christians, many of us are deeply concerned as we see the moral values in the culture and outside Church rapidly changing. The latest statistics support this. Right now, in the U.S., we have the highest level of people who have no religious affiliation.
Read MoreGod did not leave us here to isolate ourselves from this darkening culture or to identify with the culture. He left us here to influence the culture. That is God’s purpose for our lives. That was true for the prophet Elijah. Although Elijah lived in a corrupt culture, he understood that his purpose was to influence his culture for God. What made Elijah a spiritual giant in his time? He ...
Read MoreThe story is told of a young pastor who, in his first pastorate in Philadelphia, was visited by a group from his congregation. Coming into his home, one of the members told the minister, “You aren’t a strong preacher. In the usual order of things, you will fail here. But a little group of us have decided to meet every Sunday morning to pray for God’s blessing upon you.” In ...
Read MoreOne of the most well-known parables Jesus told, the parable of the sower, is about a farmer who went out to sow seed that fell on four different types of soil. Then Jesus explained that it was a picture of the different reactions people have toward God’s Word.
Read MoreThe only true source of meaning in life is found in love for God and His son Jesus Christ, and love for mankind, beginning with our own families. Compared to this fundamental system of values, everything else is puny and insignificant. Certainly, there must be a valid reason for living than the mere pursuit of money and possessions!
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