The job description was for Director of Operations, and the requirements went as follows: Standing for hours on end. Unlimited work weeks. No vacations. Must be a skillful negotiator. Degrees in culinary arts, finance, and medicine helpful.
Read MoreWhen it comes to demons, I’ve found that most Christians believe there are only two categories in which the demonic operate: oppression, where bad things happen around us; and possession, where a demon completely takes over someone’s body. (Of course, some Christians ignore the presence of the demonic altogether, which—as C.S. Lewis pointed out in The Screwtape Letters—pleases the devil just as much as fascination with him.)
Read MoreI'm a father and now a grandfather, and I understand what C.S. Lewis is saying, I'm totally different with my grandchildren than I was with my children. As a grandfather, I let my grandchildren get away with things I never would have let my children get away with.
Read MoreIn spite of the hostility and persecution all around them, the Thessalonians welcomed the Good News with the joy of the Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit gives power to our witness. He is at work in us as we witness, and He is at work in those we witness to. He gives power—dynamite—to our words, and He opens the eyes and ears of those who see and hear us.
Read MoreGod’s goodness is an immense subject. Stephen Charnock, a seventeenth-century English Puritan, wrote extensively on the subject. In his two-volume work on the existence and attributes of God, he devoted 145 pages to God’s goodness along! Many of us would be hard-pressed to fill one page, but not Charnock.
Read MorePrayer is the means by which God gets his work done on earth. Elijah’s prayers literally altered the weather. His story is pretty incredible. Elijah served as a prophet during the reign of one of Israel’s worst kings, King Ahab. After years and years of unfaithfulness, Elijah confronted the king face to face, telling Ahab that as a sign of God’s wrath, God was going to withhold rain—not even a ...
Read MoreHave you ever been ashamed of the Gospel? It's not something Christians like to admit, but we all have experienced this feeling at some point. Sometimes it's easier to hide our faith than to stand up to the pressure around us.
Read MoreThis week, we’re going to discover five principles that Abraham’s servant Eliezer exercised in finding the right mate for Abraham’s son Isaac. These principles can help you, your children, and your grandchildren not only to find a mate but also to know God’s will for any area of life.
Read MoreSin has a ripple effect in families. Even in pastor’s families. Propensity to prolong one particular sin might be handed from father to son genetically. One day science may prove or disprove this notion.
Read MoreJesus was always on the move, so when He said, “Let us cross over to the other side” (Mark 4:35), the disciples set sail—and then a great windstorm arose. I wonder if the disciples anticipated smooth sailing because Jesus told them to go.
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