Peter looked like a stockbroker, a phone in each hand, trying to sort out and keep track of the incoming prayer requests. He was standing at his desk and shouting into the phones when suddenly, upon answering another phone, he snapped to attention and said, “YES, SIR!” Obviously, God was not pleased with how the prayer requests were being managed.
Read MoreWhile God was moving in Cornelius' life, He was preparing Peter's heart to witness to Cornelius. God had to change Peter's view of Romans and all Gentiles, a belief system developed over a lifetime of teaching from his parents, his religious leaders, and his community. God effectively transformed Peter's thinking through a vision.
Read MoreWhen the Bible says “meditate,” God is asking us to “ponder.” Different from just reading or studying, meditating is sitting with God’s truth for a while—giving it careful consideration. God asks you to think about His Word with a receptive heart, trusting His Spirit to work in you through those words.
Read MoreAchurch as God intends it is not a gathering of people who sit back and listen to one person preach. Instead, one life touches the life of another, who then touches the lives of people in his or her sphere of influence—those whom the originator would never have known.
Read MoreThe evidence of Jesus’ entrance into their welcoming hearts was clear to all—steadfast in doctrine and fellowship and a shared concern for others fueled by the Holy Spirit. Biblical doctrine, learned in humble submission to God’s Spirit is always the right order for spiritual effectiveness and power.
Read MoreIt carved out a sense of belonging and identity for me. But my hope is not in belonging to a fleeting moment within a movement, but to my Savior who is eternally at work, by his Spirit, despite outward appearances.
Read MoreDuring one particularly challenging season with one of our kids, I felt exasperated. It’s one thing to think I’ve taught all I was supposed to teach, but it’s another thing to realize that what was taught might not have been caught. In my frustration, I reached out to a friend for help.
Read MoreIf there is anything that I battle with in my walk with the Lord, it is not praying as I go, but habitually taking time to pray alone with God. This practice was part of Jewish culture. Daniel was dedicated to prayer no matter the opposition, and Paul as well (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Read MoreWhen I was younger, I had the privilege to get to know the great evangelist, Billy Graham. And when he asked me to help him with illustrations in his sermons, I felt like I’d been enrolled in the finest evangelistic university on Earth. No one did it better than Billy. And he didn’t just do it publicly, I saw him do it privately.
Read MoreToday, the reason so many churches are blessing so-called "same-sex marriage," neglecting the call to evangelism, approving other "paths" to God, and preaching self-help instead of the doctrines of sin and salvation is because they have not taken this verse to heart.
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