
Have you ever heard someone described as a ‘Strong Christian’? Are you like me and you wonder what that’s like to be a ‘Strong Christian’? When I look at The Cross and I see what was necessary for my salvation, I hesitate to think of myself as ‘strong’. Up against the reality of our lives, we are needy, we don’t measure up, we fail the test. But the good news is ...

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Looking for More Joy in Your Life? Walk With God.

Experts have said that walking can help keep you in good shape physically. Now, you won’t move as quickly as you would if you were running. But it’s a regulated motion that moves you forward gradually; slowly but surely. That is a picture the Bible often uses to describe the Christian life. It’s walking with God. And if we want to walk with God, then we must stay in harmony with Him. ...

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Four Ways to Wait

In the last verse of Psalm 23, David declares, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life …” (v. 6). He’s reminding himself of the truth that our Shepherd is always behind us, weaving goodness and mercy into our misery and mess. We’re accustomed to talking about the importance of us following Jesus, but equally important is that he follows us.

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