How I Got These Scars

This is likely one among many reasons the Joker is widely argued to be the best villain of all time. He has a timeless appeal as the master of chaos. It’s his unpredictability that makes him so terrifying, perhaps seen clearest in Heath Ledger’s Joker asking his victims the rhetorical question: “Do you wanna know how I got these scars?” before proceeding to tell a traumatic story usually resulting in ...

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It is easy to believe that David’s exclamation of praise belongs only to those engaged in soldiering. Not so! All believers are at war with three great enemies—the devil, the world, and the flesh. We battle against Satan, an invisible but powerful adversary, the ever-present influence of the world, and the fleshly desires that lurk deep within our hearts.

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 How can you forgive someone who hurt you deeply? Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. To forgive someone is to release the offending person of any relational debt they might owe you. This happens as you assess the damage (how they made you feel), cancel the debt against them (releasing them from anything they “owe” you, even if they do it again), and then, going forward, counting on the choice ...

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Go for It

How many people stop because so few say "Go!"? In his fine little book Fully Human, Fully Alive, author John Powell relates an experience which happened to a friend while he was vacationing in the Bahamas. The friend was sightseeing when he noticed a crowd gathered toward the end of a pier. 

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