Thinking About God

He saved His best work for last. He made humans! When we look at people around the world, we see God’s creativity on display. We have different skin colors, various eye colors and nose shapes, and unique hair textures. We speak thousands of languages and have different accents. We even enjoy different kinds of food and clothes! All these amazing differences reflect God’s creativity, so we celebrate them.

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An Appeal to Charismatic Friends

The notion of a Trojan horse originates from a physical battle over three thousand years ago, but it applies to the never-ending spiritual war as well. In fact, Jude makes this point in his letter: “Certain persons have crept in unnoticed . . . ungodly persons who turn the grace of God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ” (Jude 4). Scripture is clear, ungodly people ...

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Spiritual Growth Through Teachable Moments

A rainbow, a tube of toothpaste, a holiday dinner — how can these ordinary things be used to teach kids about the Bible? They can all be used to illustrate a “teachable moment.” The teachable-moment method of faith building enlightens your children about God in a way that captures their attention and changes their lives. No lectures, manuals, or rolling of the eyes. No kidding!

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