Change Of Seasons

This is one of those awesome times of the year when it only takes a glance to see and appreciate the beauty that God has surrounded us with!! The change of season, especially moving into Fall is a glorious spectacle of color and transition. It reminds us that God is active and alive each and every moment of each and every day. And the change of seasons are also a reminder ...

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When anyone is raising kids buying school clothes, games, or toys or allowing them free time is the best thing ever, they may think. When a parent chooses chores and homework, disciplining them for whatever reason, the parent is viewed as a ‘meanie,’ especially a stepparent. 

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What Could Be Greater than Signs and Wonders?

In John 20:30–31, the Gospel’s author explains that his account of Jesus’ life and works was “written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” In saying this, John makes it clear that the wondrous signs that he recorded are there to elicit belief from his readers (or hearers). Jesus’ miracles authenticate His ...

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