A Reason For The Waiting

This week, we’ve discussed several reasons for God’s thundering silence in our lives. Sometimes God’s silence is the result of unconfessed sin that has created a barrier between God and us. Sometimes it’s the result of uncontrolled emotions, such as fear, that drown out God’s voice in our lives. Sometimes it’s the result of unpredictable timing because God’s timetable is different from ours

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A young man and a young woman had pledged to each other and were looking forward to a near wedding day when the young man was suddenly called to service. From the warfare field, letters regularly came and went, and love shone brightly in all of them. Then, letters from the young man abruptly ceased.

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Daily Living Faith

When Jesus rebuked the disciples in Matthew 8 for having "little faith," Jesus wasn't talking about saving faith but rather daily living faith (see Matthew 8:23-27). Our saving faith remains constant, but our daily living faith rises and falls according to the strength of our relationship with God. When we are not in constant intimacy with God, the first storm that hits will create fear and panic.

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Love Your Enemies

“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” It’s hard to imagine how controversial that one little command would have been when Jesus first spoke it. We saw in a previous post that the Jews in the first century had twisted God’s Word to justify their hatred for the gentiles—even to the point of letting gentiles drown instead of helping them.

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The Promise

There are times in our lives when we may experience moments of doubt (this is a major issue because of James 1:6-8). Times when sickness persists, financial pressures are overwhelming, the political climate of our country is polarizing, job environments unchanging, and marriages highly emotionally challenging. 

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