Very early in life you may have learned an important lesson about obedience. If you obeyed your parents, nothing bad would happen. If you didn’t obey, you would get punished. You had to learn to conform to a standard that was placed upon you. Learning to follow the rules of the family, classroom, and society is not a bad thing, but failure to obey these rules could be disastrous.
Read MoreGod is searching for a select group of people to make a significant impact at this pivotal moment in history. Could that be you?
Read MoreLet me ask you three questions: 1. Do you believe God blesses those who obey Him? (See Hebrews 11:6.) 2. What do you believe God is leading you to do that you haven’t done yet? 3. What is preventing you from obeying God and receiving His blessing in your life?
Read More“How does the Bible apply to my life?” It’s a question often asked when readers don’t see the connection between God’s Word and God’s world. Alistair Begg addresses this question head-on through turning our attention to the words of the psalmist. By focusing on two simple yet revolutionary truths—the reality of God and the security of the believer—listeners are encouraged to stand firm on God’s promises to His people found ...
Read MoreWe have all heard the expression many times: “Have a nice day.” It’s a classic Americanism. But what does it mean to have a nice day? I guess it’s having a day that is void of any problems, a day in which there is no sickness, no conflict, and no hardship. It’s a day that is, well, basically nice.
Read MoreAs of February 1, 2022, Father Andres Arango resigned from his role as the pastor of St. Gregory Parish in Phoenix, Arizona, because the Diocese of Phoenix determined that the thousands of baptisms he had performed during his twenty-year career were “invalid.” Why?
Read MoreThe parable of the lost coin found in Luke 15:8-10 portrays a woman's urgency to find one of her most treasured possessions. As is common when something of value is lost, she spares no effort to find her lost coin. You can feel her heart racing in panic as she lights a lamp and sweeps the dirt floor carefully and methodically until she finds what was lost. When she finds it, she ...
Read MoreNew Testament grace giving is founded upon our freedom in Christ. We are not under the Law or any spiritual regulation requiring that we give a certain amount. Instead, we can decide from the heart how much we want to give to support the Gospel message (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Read MoreIn the book of Revelation, Jesus wrote seven letters to cities in Asia Minor. He didn’t write them to city hall; He wrote them to the church.
Read MoreThe accounts of the days following Easter are very interesting in the Gospels; Jesus keeps popping up and surprising people over and over. Two of his disciples mistake him for a fellow traveler on the road to Emmaus. Mary Magdalene, who knew him very well, thought he was a gardener. It makes me wonder, if the people who walked and talked with him, ate and traveled all over Judea with him, ...
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