Our Secret Weapon

In this new year, let us not forget about our secret weapon! We are playing a new song by Natalie Grant on The Fish that I love, love, LOVE because is sums up how, a lot of times, we forget how really BIG God is. How could I make you so small When you're the one who holds it all? When did I forget that you've always been the king of ...

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Our One True Hope

Noah could have used a smartphone! After bobbing around on a worldwide ocean for a year, he had no idea where he was when he and his family disembarked after the Flood. With a smartphone, Noah could have easily used the location finder to determine that they had landed in (what would become modern-day) Turkey, on the side of a mountain called Ararat. Any number of map apps could have ...

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Putting Away the Christmas Decorations

Is there anything sadder than putting away the Christmas decorations? All of the fun, anticipation and excitement is boxed up and stored away for another year. Honestly, it is one of my least favorite of all of the items on the ‘honey-do-list’! Now I know we can’t live in a candy cane, flying reindeer, Santa Claus world 365 days a year, but we can try to keep what really makes Christmas ...

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