Here’s some practical, counter-cultural advice on how to make marriage work.
Read MoreThe source of all of our troubles, individually, corporately, and culturally, is the lack of a godly perspective. When we don't have a right view of God, we don't have a right view of mankind, nature, or creation.
Read MoreWhat would happen to you if you were in the same valley of decision between these two mountains? Let me help by giving you seven principles of choice. Your choices—your decisions—will determine your destiny.
Read MoreAdversity was a bridge in the apostle Paul’s life. Paul’s life is one of the best biblical examples of how adversity can be a bridge to a deeper relationship with God. This apostle wrote the majority of the New Testament. Without the revelations the Lord gave him, we would have far less insight into how to live the Christian life. But his closeness to the Father came as the result ...
Read MoreEvery person reading this chapter has been the recipient of bad advice. You listened as someone gave it to you. You followed the counsel you received and then suffered the consequences. We have all benefited from someone's good advice too. We were unsure and confused, so we reached out to somebody we trusted. We received good counsel, followed the advice, and enjoyed the benefits.
Read MoreDear Friend, Millions of people across the United States today are asking each other, “Who are you planning to vote for—or perhaps against—in November?” I believe a more compelling question, especially for Christians, is, “What does God, the One who created the world and ordains all human government, expect from a politician or government official?” In other words, through what kind of local and national leaders does God bless both Christians ...
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