The God Kind of Math

“Yep, it was probably a satanist!” That’s what I thought and said to myself when I saw the slashed sidewall of our back tire on our ...

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Laughter and Kindness are Keys in Marriage

A bouquet of flowers, a note of encouragement … thoughtful gestures can certainly brighten a day, and may even be somewhat basic when it comes ...

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Telling the Truth About Man

Evolution’s doctrine of man is fundamentally wrong on two counts. That was the diagnosis Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones delivered during an interview in 1970: “I criticize the modern ...

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Did Jesus Help the Eagles Win?

It was hard to miss the number of Philadelphia Eagles football players who expressed their unabashed love for Jesus.

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No Excuse

An atheist decided to go mountain climbing. As he was ascending the mountain, his foot slipped, and he began to fall. He desperately grabbed hold ...

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God’s Gift for the Overwhelmed and Overcommitted

You might be overworked, overwhelmed, and overcommitted if: You can’t remember the last time you took a nap without feeling guilty… You’ve bumped into someone ...

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Don’t Blink

Any parent will tell you, the days go by slow and the years go by fast!   The daily grind and ‘stuff of life’ can make the ...

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Broken Things

I love home shows where a design expert will take something broken, out of style, ready for the trash bin and repurpose it into something ...

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Help for Noncustodial Parents

There's an empty feeling every time I've finished delivering my kids to their mother, with little reminders all over my home: a living room strewn ...

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Are you a Builder or a Breaker?

I heard about a monk who joined a monastery and took a vow of silence, with the exception of being allowed to speak two words ...

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You CAN Change the World

If you're like me, you can tend to believe that it's impossible for you personally to change the world.  I mean, I've never written a ...

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The Third Key to A Fullfilling Marriage: Conversation

You don't have to look far to find a marriage that appears to be healthy on the surface. It can be easy to develop a ...

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When I Hate Change

It’s been said that the only constant in life is change. The ever-present constants of loss and death, along with the rapid pace of social ...

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