Rocks don’t change people’s lives…Jesus does

I just got back from a trip to Israel with my church.  The archaeological evidence for our Christian faith is overwhelming. It was really cool because ...

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Church Can Happen Anywhere

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are ...

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Easter Letter from Alistair Begg and Related Resources

Dear Friend, As we turn the corner from winter to spring, we begin to look forward to spending time in the garden. The Bible story begins ...

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Do Not Be Afraid

Why is it that whenever an angel of the Lord appears, the first thing they always say is “do not be afraid”? It’s guaranteed that ...

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You Can Change Yourself

Just reading billboards on a road trip is enough to realize that people want to change their lives. Whether it be physical, financial, or relational, ...

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Women in Ministry 2018

FaithTalk Atlanta wants to say THANK YOU to the many women in ministry that make such a wonderful difference in our community. And we want ...

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One-on-One with Carmen LaBerge on Bringing God Back into Every Conversation

 "If we are speaking truth, we will be targeted and even persecuted. But we can understand that no matter the presenting issue, at the end ...

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Comfort in Suffering

Do you know someone who is really suffering?  Most of us can only say "yes" to that question.  It may even be YOU who is ...

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I Pray Best When I’m Scared

I’m writing this in January and you’re reading it in March. Frankly, I’m nervous; but by the time you receive this, the crisis will be ...

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Where Do We Find Wisdom?

For something almost everyone wants, wisdom seems to be in short supply. So the question is—where do we find wisdom? Today on Discover the Word, the team begins ...

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Helping Kids Process News Reports of Violence

Not long ago, as my kids and I were arriving at my son's basketball practice, an airplane flew over us. This one was quite a ...

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Why We Need to Speak the Truth in Love

Some of the best, deepest, and closest friends that I’ve ever had have one thing in common. They all have loved me enough to tell ...

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The Joy of a Fresh Start

For me it’s always a great thing to start something fresh. I love it when Daylight Saving Time begins and we spring forward an hour. ...

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What do prisoners have to do with me?

After a visit to a state penitentiary, my answer to that question changed.

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Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. – ...

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Three Things You Cannot Learn In School

I am grateful for schools, but there are some things that no schoolteacher can teach us. For that matter, no pastor can teach us, but ...

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Never Enough

Ok, I’ll admit it…I am officially obsessed with the movie, “The Greatest Showman.” The movie was phenomenal and also family friendly – which is (sadly) ...

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What Is The Book of Revelation About?

Have you ever found the idea of studying the book of Revelation quite daunting? Have you ever thought, “Why should I study prophecy?” Because of ...

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