What’s your heart condition?

I recently read the parable of the sower in Mark chapter 4 from The Message Bible. Here is one thing that really encouraged me: It says ...

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I Give You Permission

A Christian philosophy of boldness should include the believer’s rights. In fact, it would be incomplete without a list of believer’s rights. I used to ...

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Atlanta Church Events

Church Chat with Tiana Bogino! (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; ...

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What about my friends who don’t believe?

Well, first, let’s look at this question a little bit.  It makes a couple of assumptions, that if you really follow Christ, you’re going to ...

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Your Secret Weapon

Have you ever felt just beaten down by all of the stuff that comes against us in life?  Maybe you’re worried about work, your family, ...

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Present Possession

Present possession is declared. At this present moment we have the firstfruits of the Spirit. We have repentance, that gem of the first water; faith, ...

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How to Unlock the Secret Of Your Strength

Too many Christians think victorious, abundant living is for someone else. But God wants all His children to experience the fullness and freshness of living ...

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Becoming a Velvet-Covered Brick

This week we will look at how to become a real influence for Christ in this world. There is one person in the Bible who ...

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Hope for the Afterlife

When you are a child, life seems to go so slowly. When I was in the third grade, it felt as though it lasted 20 years. ...

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Interlocking Rings of Faith: Message in the Colors

If you find yourself watching the Olympic Games on television with some friends, here’s a piece of Olympic trivia with which to impress them:

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Children of Alcoholics

More than 9 million children currently live in homes with an alcohol-dependent parent. And more than half of all American adults have a family history ...

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Invitations from God book

Some invitations we desperately want. Others we don’t want, but are forced to respond to them all the same. God is also sending out invitations. ...

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Unconditional Love

Another role of the godly parent is to cultivate compassion for others. Job trained his children to be generous, hospitable, responsible, kind, and considerate, and ...

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Teaching Your Teen to Treat the Opposite Sex With Dignity

A few specifics that teenagers need to learn about the opposite sex.

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Leisure Time…A Necessity

I want to tell you something. Leisure is not a luxury; it is a necessity. The word "leisure" comes from a Latin word which means ...

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25 Years of Help & Hope

Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine discuss the launch of their radio program in 1992. Listen as they reminisce on their inspiring success, a story of God's faithfulness.

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Where Are Your THIN Places?

Did I get you to click on this headline because you thought it included secrets to losing weight? Psych!  It’s a weird term isn’t it? ...

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