How to Become the Father Your Kids Need You to Be

If you’re a father, have you ever awakened in the middle of the night with a knot in your stomach and the horrifying thought that ...

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Cleaning Out The Closet

Closet clean outs are a thing of spring, as are graduations, weddings, and yard work. Sometimes you may find yourself doing yard work for a ...

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Being a Christian and Avoiding Divorce – Part 1

Marriage is under attack and divorce among Christians is commonplace. In this message Pastor Jack helps us understand the safeguards we have in our marriages ...

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The Second Chance Man.

Do you need a second chance in life? Simon Peter did. The faux pas of the apostle Peter were legendary. In the Gospels, more ink is given ...

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Claiming God’s Promises

Whatever your particular need may be, you will find some promise in the Bible related to it. Are you faint and feeble because your way ...

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It’s Not About Us

In Matthew 11:11 Jesus said, “Among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist!” What made John such an ...

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The Cross Sticks Out

My wife, Donna and I have three boys that we love and adore. Caleb is 27 years old; Jake is 17 and Elijah is 14. Every ...

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Four Commandments for Graduates

You—or someone you know—may soon be graduating. The time has finally come for the ol’ cap-and-gown routine. I extend my congratulations! You may not have ...

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Something’s Missing!

Have you ever cooked something, tasted it, and thought, “Something’s missing!”? Well, today on Discover the Word,  we kick off a new series to discuss ...

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I want to leave a legacy How will they remember me? Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough To make a mark on things?…from Legacy ...

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Every Day

Reader, have you come to "the sprinkled blood"? The question is not whether you have come to a knowledge of doctrine or an observance of ...

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Frequently Abused Verses: Did God Forbid us to Critique or Criticize Church Leaders?

(Psalm 105:15; 1 Samuel 24:10) In a time like this of tolerance, listen, false teaching will always cry intolerance; it will always say you’re being divisive, ...

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6 Proofs of Christ’s Resurrection

How can we possibly believe in the actual resurrection of Christ? How do we know it even happened at all? The implications, either way, are ...

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A Sinner, a Saint and a Savior

Mary Magdalen was a sinner extraordinaire. She was much like us; lost and trying to make her way through a cold and hard world. But ...

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Jesus, the Only King

While popular culture ties baby chicks, bunnies, and colorful eggs to Easter, followers of Christ know that Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of ...

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Song Lyrics

Have you ever had a song that you’ve listened to a hundred times, but never really paid attention to the lyrics? And then that 101st ...

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Noah…Saved By Grace

Genesis 6:8 says, “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” How was Noah saved? By grace. The only way that anybody has ever ...

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Love Lost: Our Missing Identity

Prior to 2016, if you were a native of Cleveland, Ohio, involved in a discussion of sports with a group of new friends, you received ...

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