The “I” in “YOU”

There is no "I" in "you"...or is there? "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with ...

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A few thoughts for Singles.

I read about a dating service called Just Coffee. You can have a cup of coffee with someone without being stuck in an entire dinner ...

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Your Mission: God’s Agent

It comes as a surprise to some young people today to learn that James Bond (“007”) was not the world’s first secret agent. In fact, ...

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The Way Back — The Way Forward

Nobody likes being corrected. The reality is, most people would choose just about anything over being disciplined! But today on Discover the Word, the group ...

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What is the Antidote for Greed?

Are you as dumbfounded as I am by the cases that have made their way into our judicial system? Remember a few years ago when ...

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Touched By An Angel

Eric Koby... It was an early Saturday morning and I was packing up my car in preparation for an appearance at The Atlanta Mission. I opened my ...

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11 Rules on Marriage You Won’t Learn in School

Here’s some practical, counter-cultural advice on how to make marriage work.

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What is Man?

The source of all of our troubles, individually, corporately, and culturally, is the lack of a godly perspective. When we don't have a right view ...

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It Is Decision That Determines Destiny

What would happen to you if you were in the same valley of decision between these two mountains? Let me help by giving you seven ...

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12 Lessons from Adversity

Adversity was a bridge in the apostle Paul’s life. Paul’s life is one of the best biblical examples of how adversity can be a bridge ...

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Good and Bad Advice

Every person reading this chapter has been the recipient of bad advice. You listened as someone gave it to you. You followed the counsel you ...

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From the desk of John MacArthur

Dear Friend, Millions of people across the United States today are asking each other, “Who are you planning to vote for—or perhaps against—in November?” I believe ...

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June Hunt on Bonding with Your Child- “Every Child Needs Boundaries”

Over the years, countless parents have asked me if children are truly capable of understanding the concept of boundaries for their behavior … lines not ...

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Open Door Policy

I have an “open door” policy at Key Life but with a closed door. There’s a lot of noise in our office (we are, after ...

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Should the Church Be Involved in Politics?

In all my years as a pastor, I have found few issues so divisive, that anger so many, and that have more Christians at odds ...

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Alistair Begg on Finding Peace in Christ…

Dear Friend, The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. During these summer months, we’ve been studying the fruit ...

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