In Awe of Grace

Living in awe of the grace of God should be the lifestyle of every disciple of Life of Jesus Christ. To truly experience the awesomeness ...

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Mustard Seeds And Mountains: Learning To Think Small

A mustard seed is very small, about like a fleck of ground pepper.  A mountain, of course, is huge.  What is Jesus saying here?  That ...

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Give Up

During this season of Lent many give up or do something in preparation for Easter. I remember giving up bubble gum for Lent when I ...

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Love Letters – A Bridegroom’s Letter

The husbands and wives who gave their all to the founding of the fledgling republic called the United States of America paid a dear price ...

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A Sacrifice of Praise

“Eat your vegetables!” was often the command of my mother. She might as well have said, “Take a bath” or given some other deplorable edict ...

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2017 – The Year of Good News!

#YearofGoodNews I have written a letter that I have asked a lot of my friends to sign. It is a declaration to make 2017 “The Year of ...

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Fulfill God’s Agenda, Not Your’s

As a pastor, I see many Christians wandering around in a spiritual fog, wondering, “Why am I here? What does God want me to do ...

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Above and Beyond

If I had a dollar for every time I have used the scripture Ephesians 3:20 in a sermon, I would be sitting on a beach ...

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10 Essential Attitudes for A Good Quality of Life

The key to a long and productive life is found in 10 essential attitudes: Keep Learning. When we cease to learn, we stop growing, because ...

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Two Are Better Than One

Independence is our watchword and "Think for Yourself" is our motto. Declaring a need is a sign of weakness, an open admission of failure and ...

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Would You Rather?

Would you rather… be known as nice or loving?  This question was asked in a daily devotional I was reading by Pastor Rodney Hunt.  It ...

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From John’s Desk

Dear Friend, I’m sure you’ve been struck recently by how very sinful the times are in which we live. Sin and the war it wages on ...

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What to Do If You’re Bored with God

I think that is a particular malady of old men…especially old men like me with ADD. Boredom has in it a touch of cynicism and ...

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The Three Legs of a Healthy Marriage

Martin Luther said that God established three essential institutions: marriage, the ministry of the Word, and the state. Luther went on to say that "both ...

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God Moments

Does it ever seem like you go through day-to-day life, feeling pretty small. Pretty insignificant. Pretty non-important. I have been there too! But here is the truth. ...

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The College of Contentment

These words show us that contentment is not a natural propensity of man. Weeds grow easily. Covetousness, discontent, and murmuring are as natural to man ...

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Your Burden At The Master’s Feet

There was a man who had a very fine hunting dog that loved the water. One day, the man and his dog went to a ...

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Absolute Transformation

1 John 3:2 ““Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when ...

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