Above and Beyond

If I had a dollar for every time I have used the scripture Ephesians 3:20 in a sermon, I would be sitting on a beach ...

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10 Essential Attitudes for A Good Quality of Life

The key to a long and productive life is found in 10 essential attitudes: Keep Learning. When we cease to learn, we stop growing, because ...

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Two Are Better Than One

Independence is our watchword and "Think for Yourself" is our motto. Declaring a need is a sign of weakness, an open admission of failure and ...

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Would You Rather?

Would you rather… be known as nice or loving?  This question was asked in a daily devotional I was reading by Pastor Rodney Hunt.  It ...

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From John’s Desk

Dear Friend, I’m sure you’ve been struck recently by how very sinful the times are in which we live. Sin and the war it wages on ...

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What to Do If You’re Bored with God

I think that is a particular malady of old men…especially old men like me with ADD. Boredom has in it a touch of cynicism and ...

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The Three Legs of a Healthy Marriage

Martin Luther said that God established three essential institutions: marriage, the ministry of the Word, and the state. Luther went on to say that "both ...

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God Moments

Does it ever seem like you go through day-to-day life, feeling pretty small. Pretty insignificant. Pretty non-important. I have been there too! But here is the truth. ...

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The College of Contentment

These words show us that contentment is not a natural propensity of man. Weeds grow easily. Covetousness, discontent, and murmuring are as natural to man ...

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Your Burden At The Master’s Feet

There was a man who had a very fine hunting dog that loved the water. One day, the man and his dog went to a ...

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Absolute Transformation

1 John 3:2 ““Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when ...

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Love Is In The Air

So, this week we celebrate Valentine’s Day. Maybe I’m just an old fuddy-duddy, but I’ve just always seen Valentine’s Day as a Hallmark holiday…celebrated to ...

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A Life of Missing Out

But coming to know God’s saving love is only part of the story. I have discovered through decades of ministry that many Christians don’t know ...

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How to Pray when Things Get Hard

Do you remember the first time you ever prayed? Maybe it was when you were a little child, or maybe it’s something you have just ...

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Examples of Intermissions

Throughout Scripture, God’s plan for His people includes an intermission after their failure. For example, the nation of Israel rebelled against God, so God let them ...

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Is God concerned with the small things?

How concerned is God with the small, everyday things in our lives? Well, today on Discover the Word as we look back at “The Miraculous ...

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A Broken Heart

Have you ever had a broken heart? That question may bring back memories of a crush in elementary school or a special someone you loved in ...

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Teaching the Teachers

Many of us struggle to understand the Bible and grow in our faith on a daily basis. But now imagine adding persecution and censorship into ...

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