How to break free when grief won’t let go

Sometimes, in our lowest moments, we’re so focused on what we’re feeling that we don’t look up and recognize God’s presence. But the truth is, ...

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The Power of Perspective During Difficult Times

What is the most significant and painful difficulty you’re dealing with right now in your life? Is it your marriage? Money? Depression? Perhaps it’s midlife?

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Try as you may, you cannot find a more influential person in all of human history who has affected mankind as much as Jesus Christ ...

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Christ, Not Karma

Have you ever been insulted? Have you have been taken advantage of or hurt by someone else? Has someone ever wished you ill? If not, ...

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All to the Glory of God

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” –1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV

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Worship Like a Middle Schooler!

Last week, I helped chaperone a group of 35 middle schoolers for summer camp. I have to admit, I was a bit unsure of what ...

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Dealing with Doubt

Some of you are going through a period of doubt in your life, or you know somebody who is. How do you deal with that ...

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Start Where You Are, Part Two

One of the most encouraging things about new years, new weeks, and new days is the word new. Webster reveals its meaning: "refreshed, different from ...

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Soaking in the World

The state of Florida battles sinkholes like the plagues of Egypt. As acidic groundwater dissolves underground rock formations, the surface of the earth caves in.

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Embracing Freedom

Are you embracing your freedom? I'm not talking about celebrating the freedom of living in the USA. We're pretty good at that. It's especially easy this ...

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Rest & Renew

“Be still, and know that I am God.” Ps. 46:10 How’s that for a summer verse? Life moves us through the school year at a fast ...

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Having A God Consciousness

Did you know that all atheists are not atheists because of intellectual problems? They’re atheists because of moral problems. You say, “But I know some ...

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A Good Marriage

The Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri has made public 1,300 recently discovered letters the late President wrote over the course of a half-century ...

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The Truth about a Dad’s Influence

Families are in crisis. And the root of that crisis falls on parents…especially disconnected dads. Frankly, we are living in a culture in which fathers ...

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The Disappearing Dad

When we think of what the word 'Dad' means, a lot of words come to mind: reliable, kind, compassionate, steady, bread-winner, integrity, faithful, protector...just to ...

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