The Corn Maze

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven…

There are lots of reasons to LOVE Fall…Pumpkin Spice everything, football, the leaves changing color, sweaters…bugs go away to wherever they go for the winter!! Every season offers us the opportunity to  experience things a little differently, like the crisp coolness of a Fall morning…And life can be like that too, with all of it’s seasons giving us a experiences and different views not possible in other seasons.

Another tradition in the Fall is ‘The Corn Maze’. Have you ever done one of these? It’s very easy when you wander into one to get quickly disoriented and turned around. You aren’t able to get the proper perspective because the rows are too high and you can get the feeling that you are going to be stuck there for hours.

And maybe right now in life you feel like that. Stuck in a maze that you can’t see the way out of. When I’ve felt that way it’s helpful to remember that the view from above the maze is very different. From that perspective, the way forward and out, is clear. A few simple turns, maybe a backtrack or two and surprise…you’ve made it through the maze!

If life has you feeling stuck like you are in a maze, remember that God has a different perspective on the situation than we do. He can see the way, He knows where the turns are and the turn arounds. It’s up to us to surrender and realize that He is in control. That He knows the way. And if we listen to His voice, he’ll get us safely home.

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