Should this be our Goal for 2024?

Are you someone who makes New Year’s Resolutions? They’ve always felt daunting to me.  I do better with small, bite sized goals.   But this just may be the perfect resolution for 2024 for those of us who are followers of Christ: 

How about resolving, day by day, to love more like Jesus? It’s not easy.  Sometimes we rather enjoy judging other people. Especially people who don’t sin like us.  We secretly enjoy judging and taking sides. It’s hard to love and forgive people who have hurt us.  But if we truly love like Jesus, shouldn’t we be known for reconciliation? 

It was exactly one year ago that I said goodbye to my precious dad, David.  You may have heard me share about how he battled Multiple Sclerosis.  By the end, his body had broken down to the point that he was like a quadriplegic.  He couldn’t move, feed himself, brush his teeth, nothing. 

But despite his disabilities, my dad was still passionate about telling people how much Jesus loves them.  He got excited when someone would take him over to the Jupiter Inlet in my hometown, so he could tell the fishermen about Christ’s love.  He would get someone to scooter him around the neighborhood just so he could tell them how much they are loved by God. 

My dad’s style of sharing his faith may not be our cup of tea, but if we are known for our love for others, for reconciliation, won’t the love of Jesus be so beautiful in  us that it will be attractive to those seeking meaning and something bigger than themselves? 

I John 4:9-10 is a great starting point: 

“This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him.  This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” 

I have a very long way to go when it comes to loving like Jesus.  Just ask those closest to me!  But this year, in 2024, I plan to start each day asking Him to love others through me. Wanna join me in this quest?  

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