Finding Hope – Kevin Avery

We are living in very ‘interesting’ times. Some would say ‘trying’ times. The perpetual news cycle that is constantly feeding us the latest details on the latest thing to be worried, upset or outraged over can leave you feeling hopeless. Robbing you of one of the most vital attributes of any follower of Jesus. Hope. 

We recently visited St. Margaret’s Chapel at Edinburgh Castle in Scotland. It’s a very small building within the castle walls, but it was the place where Margaret, a woman who was a wife, a mother and the leader of an entire country under very stressful circumstances would come to refresh and renew her hope. It’s very moving to sit and be still in that place. A place where hope was restored again and again.

We can tap into that same sense of hope every day. Because ‘Hope is the anchor of the soul. It is not wishful thinking; it is the deep seated confidence that’s God’s love and providence will prevail.”    And we are reassured in God’s word, Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is confidence in what we HOPE for and assurance about what we do not see.”

Don’t lose hope brothers and sisters. Hope is as foundational as it is life sustaining.   

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