CHRIST AROSE AND WE WIN – Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

When Adam stretched out his hands and took the forbidden fruit, he brought death to all mankind. But when the perfect, sinless Jesus stretched out ...

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Shout It Out – Pastor Jack Hibbs

It is always a great day when God’s people sing His praises. In this passage, the people shouted for joy because “the foundation of the of ...

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Doctrine: The Pastor’s Calling

How would you describe a pastor’s job? Previously, we considered Paul’s exhortations to Timothy to preserve and preach sound doctrine. Paul did not charge Timothy ...

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Walking Through Life With New Eyes

We live in very complicated times. Our brains are bombarded by data, opinions, viewpoints and images. The enormous volume of details and the various patterns of ...

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Just Be You – Pastor Chuck Swindoll

THERE IS ONLY ONE YOU. In our overly-populated, identity-crisis era it is easy to forget this. Individuality is played down. We are asked to conform to ...

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Chosen by God for a Purpose

This week, we’re going to discover five principles that Abraham’s servant Eliezer exercised in finding the right mate for Abraham’s son Isaac. These principles can ...

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Reflections before Coming to the Communion Table – Alistair Begg

Why are we, as saved sinners, given the privilege of feasting at the Communion table before a holy God? Because He has provided an atonement ...

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Family First – Ed Young

When you don’t put God first, here's what's going to happen. Some of you who show up once every six weeks, and you're not really ...

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God’s Design – Pastor Paul Cannings

Our culture has determined who is handsome or beautiful for us. Hollywood, with fashions from Paris influences, Hollywood magnifies and glorifies these images so...

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How God Opens His Word to Us – Dr. J. Vernon McGee

When the Bible says “meditate,” God is asking us to “ponder.” Different from just reading or studying, meditating is sitting with God’s truth for a ...

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Fact Over Feelings – Cathe Laurie

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And ...

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Where Justice and Love Meet – J.D. Greear

Charles Spurgeon once told the story of an ancient Saxon king who had the reputation among his tiny kingdom as being the fairest and most ...

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Do You Have Regrets? – Steve Brown

I used to preach fairly regularly at an Orlando church with seven identical services over a weekend, the final one on Monday night. (I still ...

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“Citius, Altius, Fortius — Communiter” Faster! Higher! Stronger! Together! – David Jeremiah

The father of the modern Olympic Games was Pierre de Courbertin, a French aristocrat who became very interested in physical education. He believed organized sports ...

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Champions Focus On God – Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

Everyone loves to pull for the underdog. Whether in sports, business, or the movies, we always like to see the character with the most obstacles ...

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Repair And Rebuild – Pastor Jack Hibbs

The condition of Jerusalem during Nehemiah’s day resembled many parts of our communities—in ruins, with broken down or nonexistent walls. Nehemiah could have succumbed to ...

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Looking For Truth in All the Wrong Places

We’ve all had strange dreams from time to time. Sometimes the details are so confused and convoluted you can scarcely believe your mind concocted them ...

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Restoring Our Relationship With God – Jim Daly

Before we can begin to restore our relationship with God, we need to understand that this relationship is broken to begin with and why that ...

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