Not Just Surviving, But Thriving
There’s something special about seeing older married couples in love. Take my mom and dad for example. My mom refused to leave dad’s side until the day he passed on to heaven this past January. Even though MS had wrecked his body, his personality and faith were strong, and they still flirted with each other every day.
My in-laws are similar. They just celebrated 63 years of marriage. Ron brings Dorothy coffee in bed every morning and cooks her breakfast every day. Imagine, still in love after going through the shock of tragically losing a daughter, all those highs and lows in life.
The common denominator in both marriages? Faith. Both couples put God first in their marriage and put each other before their own needs and wants. My husband Glenn and I are so grateful to have a model of such lifelong love in both sets of parents.
If you crave the same closeness and commitment in your own marriage, but you feel stuck, the perfect thing for you to get unstuck may be the Resist the Drift Marriage Conference hosted by Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley. Click here to learn more.
Praying for your marriage,
Focus on the Family and Salem Media Group present Resist the Drift, a two-day marriage conference. Dr. Greg & Erin Smalley share their story and what they’ve learned as they moved from roommates to soulmates. Couples will receive Bible-based concepts and tools to reconnect and strengthen their marriages.
Atlanta, Georgia
September 15-16, 2023
Mount Paran Church – Atlanta, Georgia